this is where I post things I write

shifting perspectives.

shattering stereotypes.

breaking boxes.

this is Grace’s blog.

why did Jesus come to save us?
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

why did Jesus come to save us?

Jesus was a real human being. He had a personality and a soul like you and me. He was close to loss. He was close with change. Experiencing it at every turn. From Heaven to the dirt. From baby to boy. From man to Savior. From life to death… and back to life once again. From village to village with no place to lay his head, he battled with the idea of change at every step. Friends and family lost along the way. Miraculous healings met with grief-stricken villages the next day…

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Grace Tarver Grace Tarver


cold tears hit my fingers. i think of the first time we met…

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wrestling is exhausting - a study on Jacob in Genesis
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

wrestling is exhausting - a study on Jacob in Genesis

Wrestling is exhausting. Wrestling is hard. Who am I and who will I be when it feels like the wrestling has taken the best out of me?
Jacob wrestled with God all night.

But what if he was wrestling within himself for the last 20 years? What if he wrestled with defeat and shame long before he wrestled with God face to face?

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better off (why am I still alone?) pt. 1
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

better off (why am I still alone?) pt. 1

For the girls who feel the weight of their decisions will outweigh the grace God freely gives. For the one who feels lonely and like nobody sees her. For those of us who feel like our heartbreak is too much to ever be mended or healed back to wholeness again.

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better off (why am I still alone?) pt. 2
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

better off (why am I still alone?) pt. 2

For the girls who feel the weight of their decisions will outweigh the grace God freely gives. For the girls who feel lonely and like nobody sees them. May it bring hope to those of us who feel like our heartbreak is too much to ever be mended or healed back to wholeness again.

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24 takeaways to take into 2024
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

24 takeaways to take into 2024

here are 24 takeaways from a girl who is still figuring out how to live. May they enrich you & remind you of the depth you’re called to live in.

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dare to turn your struggles upside down.
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

dare to turn your struggles upside down.

Who will I be? What will my life look like? The ups, the downs, the trials and tears in between – what is the point of the difficulty of living?

Haven't we all wrestled with questions like these?

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set me free from peoples opinions
Grace Tarver Grace Tarver

set me free from peoples opinions

who am I to assume what others are from my skewed view?

my vision is a tunnel, limited by my human gaze

narrow and unable to see all the history and pain people face

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